Well, reader...I have returned to my blogging duties. I admit, I have been rather neglectful of late. Possibly because I have had far too much on my poor blonde, Mackem mind...who knows? As I sit here having a small break from doing some work (course-work for a distance learning qualification that I have enrolled upon), I thought it would be a pleasant distraction to get my blogging groove back.
So, 'what's new, Madam Noir?', I hear you cry? Well, not a great deal has moved on in terms of work since my last blog entry, back in early October. I am still waiting for a definitive 'end date' from the bosses at Shitty Central. Last I heard, it was to be 31st December. But, still have not had anything official through in terms of a formal offer. This troubles me slightly, I confess. More so, as my colleague (the one who does nowt and just looks on t'internet all day and is deemed to be some sort of demigoddess by her manager) is 'up the stick' and I am fearful that the powers that be may ask me to stay to cover her maternity leave. Personally, I think I'm too far along in the process to do this...but you never know. That would be hell. Sheer, pure h-e-l-l.
I really do need to get out of the place, though. I spent their afternoon trying to manoeuvre my monitor to obscure the face of the jerk sitting opposite me. He annoys me on a daily basis when he eats/talks/breathes. I can feel my stomach buzzing and fizzing whilst watching/hearing him eat a packet of fucking Walker's crisps. The bloke is insane. Never before have I felt such venom when watching someone eat. He's such a cocksucker - and he is friendly with Mr Metrosexual (another annoying twat in the office). Simple fact is....I just need to leave.
My colleagues within my team are a set of cunts. They haven't once thanked me for saving their jobs by handing in my note of interest. I tell you one thing, the bastards will get a rude awakening when they actually have to do some fucking work. No more fannying around on t'internet and texting boyfriends. Nope.
I was trying to think of a suitable playlist to compile that really summed up what I feel about things at the moment.
Standout tracks:
'Touchy!' - Aha - because I am very fucking touchy at the moment....have you noticed?
'I Quit' - Bros ' - I've had enough, I've had it right up to here now, I'm taking a break...I quit'
'Sick & Tired ' - The Cardigans
'Can't Get Out of Bed' - The Charlatans
'Trapped' - Colonel Abrams
'A Pain That I'm Used To' - Depeche Mode
'Feel The Pain' - Dinosaur Junior ' 'I feel the pain of everyone...then I feel nothing' - yep, that's me.
'It's a Motherfucker' - Eels. Yes, it bloody well, is....
'Unbelievable' - EMF - because, like my employers, you couldn't fucking make it up if you tried....